Wednesday 6 April 2011

There was a leak in my house and now I am a hostage

Everyone has wanted to get fast results when after something fixed in the home. Here's how:

Good Morning Jane,

Yesterday morning we awoke to find a small damp patch out side the bathroom door, I thought this may have been one of us being careless on the way out of the shower so I put a towel on it and went to work. However, this morning the wet patch is much bigger and seems to be emanating from the boiler room as there are no signs of a leak from above. I know that every week I seem to be complaining of some sort of damp, it's like living in the Amazon here. Except without the funny coloured frogs or the naked tribesmen with spears. Other than that it's the same.

Also, is there any news on the decorator and the mold? Since the mold is still there, and growing, it's beginning to scare me, I once watched and episode of House MD where someone inhaled mold then their brain stopped working properly and they forgot all of the vowels and the numbers 2 and 7, it was like the reverse of Sesame Street. I would worry if this happened to me.

Hope this email finds you well.



Good Morning AJ.

I have asked Micky Pimms our plumber to attend to the possible leak today.

The mould is caused by the room not being ventilated enough.  Unfortunately because most people work during the day no air is getting in and with the colder weather and heat being on this is what results.  I have had test done before on a property with the same problem just to check the health issue and it has been cleared.  Unfortunately the only answer to stop this is to ventilate more and to keep just brushed off the black marks.

I am awaiting confirmation from the insurers that we can proceed with the decorating of the bedroom.

Kind regards,



I am glad that Micky can attend today. Thank you for that.

As for the mould, I am not sure how much more ventilated we could be without leaving the doors open throughout the day but my brother, who is a policeman, said that you are much more likely to get burgled if you leave your door wide open when you go to work. There are vents at the top of the window that are left open 24 hours a day but apparently only serve the purpose of making funny whistling noises exactly at the climactic points in horror movies.

Also, most days we leave the window 'on the latch' which means it is open a little to allow airflow, this does not seem to have slowed the mould at all. In fact, it's like a scene from one of the afore mentioned horror movies where the mould will grow across the room until it reaches me and turns me into a Zombie. For this reason, I would be happy to touch up the mouldy area if provided with the correct colour paint, although repainting the whole room in mould green, although making the property harder to let in the future, may hide the problem.




Have asked Micky to take a look at the walls and see what he recommends. I would also not advise leaving the doors open during the day. This will invalidate your insurance.



Did Micky have any luck yesterday, I didn't notice any sign of him being there, however, he may have learned his plumbing skills from a Ninja plumbing school in which case he could have been in and out without leaving a trace.

I was thinking I could put a ticket barrier at my front door and charge people to swim in my hallway. This plan, unfortunately, had two draw backs: 1, Upon reading my contract I found out I can't run a business from the property and 2, I would have had to employ a lifeguard as per council's instructions. So, I have decided to make it a nature reserve so I made a duck flap on my front door and left food out to attract wildlife. I also converted my bedroom into a hide where I can sit and study the wildlife, however all I have seen come through the duck flap is a homeless man's arm whilst reaching for food. I named him Dave.

Many thanks


Hi AJ,

I'm chasing Micky for his report.

Also alterations to the property are prohibited.

Kind regards.



I was wondering if there was any update from Micky, I assume since he is a contractor and it's Friday afternoon that he is in the pub. Either that or he was eaten by the Alligator I had shipped in to my Nature Park, I got tired of only attracting the homeless so bought a fresh water Alligator on line from in the hope that it would scare off the homeless. However it has just provided an interesting game similar to Russian roulette except using a man's arm and a alligator's mouth. I think I could turn it into a broadcastable TV program if only I could stop the homeless using foul language, I would consider it an educational program as it highlights survival of the fittest and how alligators feed, and as such I would cram it between Blue Peter and Newsround. So if indeed Micky is still alive and has all of his limbs in tact then perhaps he could let me know if I am going to have to sleep on an inflated lilo tonight for fear of drowning in my sleep.

Many thanks


Hi AJ,

Just spoken to Micky he says that he has repaired the leak and serviced the system so it should run ok now.  He believes that the mould is down to poor ventilation.  Like you say I am not sure what you can do if you are keeping the air vents in the windows open all the time and leaving windows open during the weekend.  You know the vents in the top of the window, do they actually open properly?
Kind regards.



This is the mould typing, a short while ago we became sentient and seized control of 2 Unicorn building and are holding the current occupants hostage until our demands are met. We have continued to pay rent and look after the property as we are good bacteria derived from Yakult. However, as our numbers have not diminished we have taken over more of the bedroom, the occupants put up a strong resistance but, alas, without a repaint we were no match for there wiping and airing strategy.

Also, as mentioned in a previous email there was a leak near the bathroom which indeed the plumber did fix, however the carpet at said location has a discolouring and we are tempted to start living in there too. The Occupant, before his capture, tried a series of stain removers to return this to the original colour and, unfortunately, failed. We are letting you know this as us Mould are a strong and proud race and welcome any fair fight. Also, I have it on fairly good authority that the occupants tenancy agreement is up at the end of April and we would hate for them to endure a financial burden as well as being devoured by hungry mould, it would seem unsporting.

So if you can see fit to send a combatant round with some sort of paint and or carpet cleaning stuff then we would welcome the challenge.

Many Thanks

Mr M Ould

Hi AJ,

I have received the below e-mail from the Land Lady.  I wondered whether to ask a surveyor to come out and provide a report for me.  That way it would advise us all why the problem is occurring.  I am not sure, apart from repainting, what can be done about it, unless of course the surveyors find a problem other than ventilation.  By having a survey done I could at least confirm to yourselves and the LL what the problem is and whether any one is at fault.  Unfortunately if they do find that ventilation is the problem I am not sure the LL would be happy paying for the survey which is £150.  I'll speak to her tomorrow and see what she says.


In relation to your question on mould - .  No – I never had that problem in the 10+ years I lived there. I was alarmed when I saw the survey photos which I received at the weekend too.

The tenants should always have the vents open above all the windows, and as you say, ventilate the flat regularly when they are in it.  I would also be concerned that I never had trouble with the radiators before the tenants moved there  (they are a pretty reliable storage heater system) so I wonder are the tenants putting high heat on to dry clothes and not ventilating the flat.

My other thought is that they are opening windows wide and leaving them open during the rain which could blow in if it is windy?  The windows need to be open but only to the limited lock in the bedroom, and in the living room, only when they are present to ensure that rain does not come in.

I would reiterate that this mould never happened when I lived there, so it is being caused by something the tenants are doing.  Damp has never been a problem in that flat, or any flats that I am aware of.  I do not want mould/damp becoming a problems, so please advise tenants that they need to manage this.

What to you advise to monitor this situation? I do not want damp becoming a problem in the flat.

Land Lady"

Kind regards.



I am glad the Landlady's first thought was that we left the door open during the rain, I have to say that has cleared up many issues. It also became a pain when watching the TV during the winter having the door wide open and allowing the snow to build up in the front room. It did, however, give me the chance to make and indoor snowman.

Please ask the 'LL' how many times in the last 10 years did she get flooded by the woman 3 floors up? I can probably make a guess at zero time. It's not the sort of thing you do on a regular basis, you know, leave the bath running for 3 hours instead of 10 minutes. The mould was not a problem until then. Or perhaps she breathes less than we do. I am not sure of the average breaths per minute but I think I am higher than normal.

The windows are also not left open during the rain, tempting as this is. As for the heating, the plumtrician explained the fact that it was a user error that was causing the problem with the heaters insomuch as it was unclear to me that the bedroom heater differed from the living room heater. However, once explained I have been using them the correct amount.

I am not really sure how she would like me to dry me clothes, perhaps I should wear them in the rain with the doors open to see if that drys them, I doubt it though. So, with this being winter and London it's cold and wet outside so outdoor drying is counterproductive and therefore we dry our clothes inside, usually with no heating, since it has got a little warmer, but sometime with medium heating.

The vents have been open continuously since we moved into the flat and the doors opened whenever possible, unless raining.

I too would be unwilling to pay the £150 for a survey, regardless of the outcome. Unless of course he discovered the mould was, in fact, an alien life form that I could sell to the US government for millions of dollars. Then £150 wouldn't seem so bad.

I think, since there was the flood, then the leak from the boiler and it's been raining or freezing everyday between that and this, that that would be the problem. I would suggest the fix would be a coat of paint (as the mould hasn't got bigger it's just the same looming mould it was a week or 2 ago) and someone to repair the damage caused by the leak. Since neither the flood or the boiler leak were my fault I think this would be fair.



p.s. The Mould released me to write this email as their typing skills are limited due to them being a collection of single celled organisms.

Dear AJ

Obviously we are going ahead with the decorating of the bedroom.  Insurers haven't quite agreed it yet but the LL has told me to get the painter on stand by, whether they agree to pay or not.  For convenience to you, although the paint fumes are no longer toxic I thought it may be better to get the work done whilst you are not there.  So I was wondering if you are due to go on holiday any time soon?

Kind regards



I am not sure if you are away at present or whether you didn't receive this e-mail but I am used to you answering straight away!  Was just wondering about below?

Kind regards.


Jane ,

Sorry, I have been so busy at work recently. We are on holiday over the Easter period if that helps.



Now I feel like the one being ignored. I don't usually mind being ignored but it is only a couple of weeks until I am going on holiday. So I was wondering if it would be possible to arrange the painting of the bedroom. I was thinking we could do the ceiling in a modern Sistine chapel sort of way maybe using David Cameron and Nick Clegg almost touching fingers, I think it would resemble how our government is so close to functioning but yet so far away. I would like it if they were fully clothed though or at least not showing the rude bits. I feel it would make it a little difficult sleeping if, when I look up, I could see a Member of Parliament's member.

Alternative painting schemes could involve a Spiderman motif or the underside of someone's bedroom so as to give the illusion that there is no ceiling and the occupants above are somehow suspended in midair. This would be the talk of my diner parties which, in fairness, are rarely held in my bedroom. However, if I had an exciting paint job I am sure they would be. Or we could just do the whole flat like that. I have some friends who are quite skilled artists and since the insurance is paying I will get a quote from them.

Also, I have a feeling that the Landlady may refer to us as the mold bringers or worse. Since we are trying to extend our contract (mainly as this provides me a lot of opportunity to write these emails) I was wondering if you may be able to speak to her. We are currently dealing with your colleague Johanna who sees very capable however she doesn't know much of us/the situation.

Many thanks


Hi AJ,

Would I ignore you?!  Actually I am chasing the LL for permission to paint the flat whilst you are away at Easter.  Just e-mailed her again so hopefully she will come back to me within the next couple of day.  Going anywhere nice? 


LL has agreed to get the painting done whilst you are away, she is not waiting for insurers. What dates are you actually away?



That's great news, what a star she is. And you. So my friend said to paint the whole flat to give the impression there is no ceiling would take about 2 months and cost about £20,000 to do the Cameron/Clegg Sistine chapel rip off will cost £5000 and take 2 weeks, but he will only do it if he can add Gordon Brown holding a harp. Which is best for the landlady?

I am actually away from the 22nd, which is good Friday, called good Friday because Jesus was crucified, I would have called this nailed to a plank of wood and died a slow and painful death-day. I get back on the 30th of April, which I believe is just called Saturday. I approve of the naming of this day it's named after Saturn I think.

Also, on the subject of the extension, is this something you can broach or is this best left with Johanna?



Hi AJ,

I think we'll go for the just normal neutral colour. 

I'll get our decorator in between 22nd and 29th, making sure it is completely finished by the time you get back on 30th.

Have a great holiday.

You will need to speak to Johanna about the extension.

Kind regards.


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